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Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Holiday Present List

I know that Halloween has not even gone by yet and we are already seeing holiday merchandising in the stores. I have started seeing blog posts by other people about Christmas and Chanukah shopping. I have a couple of ideas for this year and I have purchased several things already.

I haven’t posted anything recently, so I thought that I would show you how I keep track of what gifts get given. I have an excel file that I have used for several years. Each year is on a different page. This allows me to look back and see what I gave family and friends the year before, and before that—eliminating the possibility of gifting the same thing twice.

My kids are super lucky since they get the best of all the holidays!

On the left side I have a list of all the people in my life. Family members and their children, friends and neighbors, work acquaintances, etc. are listed on the left side. And then I have boxes on the left of the sheet I have a couple boxes: (1) things still to buy and where, (2) major Christmas gifts, and (3) Chanukah gifts for each night.

I have already started this year’s – but I wouldn't want to give anyone the opportunity to cheat!

Shared at Cheerios & Lattes, Tip Tuesday and Petite Hermine.


  1. Just found your blog and i've enjoyed reading it. I too have a present list that I keep in my handbag at all times. It really helps.

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I have several other posts in my head and partially written that I hope you will enjoy. Please join me on Facebook!


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