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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cappuccino Mix

I have a list in my head of all the mixes I want to replace in my kitchen. These include mixes that I already buy or canned items I would rather not buy. And I am so excited to find recipes to replace these things! Not only is it a lot less money I’m spending on silly things, but as it turns out, it is much healthier since I don’t add MSG or “natural flavoring” or salt or food dies or… you get the picture.

One thing I have been buying that I recently made was Cappuccino Mix. I buy it for the convenience, but when Jeremy and I start going through a can every 6 weeks it is time to take a look at what is in it. As it turns out, a google search gave me a long list of recipes that were identical. So I decided to try it. YUM. A little more of a coffee flavor than I am used to, but that isn't a bad thing and I can use it the same!

The only ingredient that I didn't have on hand was the instant coffee, which cost the same as my store-bought cappuccino mix ($11) at Costco. However, the instant coffee will probably last me a year or more in homemade mixes. I don’t really want to do the math since it will hurt my brain. But that's a significant savings.

Homemade Cappuccino Mix
  • 1 Cup  Instant Coffee crystals
  • 1 cup chocolate drink mix (like Nesquik) or instant hot chocolate mix
  • 3/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Cup  Non-Fat Dry Milk
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Nutmeg
  • ½ Teaspoon Cinnamon
Simply heat up water, place 2-3 tablespoons of your mixture into a cup, and then add water and mix! I shook it right up in the jar. I left the scoop from the old store-bought mix in there since it is the perfect size.
This jar was full. I already got into it!
There is a recipe variation that calls for 1 cup of non-dairy coffee creamer and so only ½ cup of sugar (there is sugar in the creamer). I’m sure the taste isn’t dramatically different, but after reading the ingredients on the back of the creamer I have opted to donate the can rather than open it to use. If I am making a mix myself, I don’t want to add anything with crazy ingredients. In fact, the nesquick can be replaced with Ovaltine or a wannabe mix like:

Chocolate Wannabe Mix
2/3 cup Sugar
1/3 cup Cocoa
Pinch of salt

This is a no brainer for me. Buy-buy store bought mix. . . Next!


  1. Mm, yum! We have a recipe for homemade hot cocoa too, the kids LOVE it

  2. What a marvelous post, I simply perused it from begin to end. Gained some new useful knowledge after quite a while. Its amazingly great and exceptionally accommodating for me.Thanks for sharing this incredible post.
    Fat Free French Vanilla | White Chocolate Caramel Cappuccino | instant cappuccino mix


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